You know on one hand I seem to have drawn a lot more in highschool than now but on the other hand I got to remind myself the art I post doesn't even account for studies, sketches, other obligations, & the fact the art I do nowadays takes more time (A lot more scenes & comic stuff these days)

That being said, given how huge this gallery is, if you're on a slower internet connection or older device... sorry for the wait :(

Comic Shorts

Comic shorts? pre-going full throttle into comics? A rarity indeed.

Tbh these are more so extremely short joke things but I guess I'll section them off for extra text & such

Zizz 2 (2018)

As of last updating this page, Zizz 2 still hasn't dropped lol


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Finally, Ram (2018)

Rumor has it no one knows why she needed gaming ram

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July 20th (2018)

Also known as Moon day, Nap day, and of course, Ugly truck day

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